Internet Inspo #15 {Beauty hacks for busy gals, men’s grooming 101 & dancing in NYC}

Hallo. Here are some of my latest favourite finds from the Interwebs… Fantastic post about Home Staging (I honestly didn’t know this). For parents: check out this lovely post on Having a non-girly little tomboy-ish girl. Roast leg of lamb with figs & pomegranate.  Have to try this soon. Very handy beauty hacks for busy women. Family […] Read more…

Easy style tips from a fashion guru

Today I am really stoked to welcome Antoinette Chorlton to the blog. Our paths crossed in a very interesting manner. In a way, I don’t know her from a bar of soap; but then again she slept in my bed & stayed in my house. So, we’re a bit like sisters I suppose. (In case […] Read more…

How about a ‘No Thanx’ gift list?

I agree. One should not look a gift horse in the mouth. But consider this: wouldn’t it be lovely to always get what you really need or want – even if it is just a tiny little something? Or, wouldn’t it be better to save someone some money (that they could use for a good […] Read more…


How to clean your computer – once & for all. (Via Cupcakes & Cashmere) I saw this on Instagram originally – thanx Tina. Instagram accounts to unfollow. How about some Earl Grey Milk Tart anyone? 10 Struggles That Are Too Real For People With Long Nails. So funny. I love love love this interview with an beauty editor. Quotes: […] Read more…


I’m slightly embarrassed to write this post. Because… I am guilty. You see I haven’t been doing my bit when it comes to recycling. I (or let me put the blame on us – makes me feel slightly less guilty) have either not done recycling at all or we did it half-heartedly. Really embarrassing. My […] Read more…

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